Sunday, August 28, 2011

Just a Little Shot After All

Those who know me best might describe me as a doer rather than a spectator. I'd rather paint a painting than visit a museum; I'd rather write a book rather than read one; I'd rather sing or play a song than hear one on the radio. Or, better still, I'd rather write a song from scratch, which I've done hundreds of times. You get the idea.

But I am obviously not a famous anything. As one of my songs says, "Looks like I don't have too far to fall / I guess I'm / Just a little shot after all." But I have never been one to think that these things can't change. But I don't ever want to be a big shot - that to me implies throwing one's weight around, getting what you want because of your name and fame, thinking that you're more entitled than others to the good things that life has to offer.

I've said it many times - I just want to pay my rent and bills and eat. If I could do those things by being a creative person, I'd be perfectly content being the littlest shot of all. But it's a fine line. No one pays you just for being you. You have to acquire a modicum of fame if you want to sell paintings, or songs, or books, on any substantial level. I don't want to be a brand. I don't want to sell a product. But in a capitalist society, this is how it works. There are no patronages from the doges anymore.

I recently began working with Victoria Dzenis, ( a creative entrepreneur coach, and our discussion has already posed many questions (which will hopefully find answers) about who I am as a creative person and what to do with that. I've adopted the use of the word "creative" as a noun. I am "a creative". So on the surface, I'm trying to figure out what to do with that - How does the creative fit into capitalist society? How do I get paid for being a creative?

But the larger picture is this - How does being a creative help me to be a loving person? That is the real measure of a life. I believe that love is simply an evolutionary strategy that the human animal has come up with to further the species. And it is such a beautiful strategy. No other animal has come up with it, though dogs seem to be learning from us.

So here's where the train goes off the rails a little - How do I make a living from being a loving person? No one is going to pay me for that either. I think this blog will talk about my creative process and give samples of paintings and lyrics, but it's really going to be about love. It's the only thing that matters. And it is certainly not a spectator's sport.