I know that title sounds flippant, but notice that I spelled communism with a small "c." The big "C" Communism has plenty wrong with it, and so much has been written about it that I would just be echoing voices of the past to say anything against it. As a political ideology, it proposes violent revolution - the workers must forcefully take power and wealth from the Bourgoisie, because they'll never give it up voluntarily. I'm a devout pacifist, and would never back the violent overthrow of anything. I'd rather try the non-violent overthrow - it worked for Gandhi.
The main gist of Communism is something like: From each according to his ability; to each according to his need. Of that much, Jesus and the Buddha and many others, including myself, would approve. That's almost like saying, "Love your neighbor as yourself." What we have we should give to those who are in need. We are born with certain talents and develop many others. We gain knowledge and wisdom and wealth as we pass through life. There are many people in need of your knowledge, your skills your wealth, and your talents. So it sounds easy enough to just help people in need with the resources at hand. Why, then, don't we do it?
Well, I'll tell you. It has to do with Evolution. It is thought that a male mockingbird's skill at mimicry might be a way to show a female that he has been more than around the block a few times. He has ranged far afield, facing who-knows-what dangers and perils - and he has survived and thrived. The more bird songs he collects (and car horns and other sounds) the more he can demonstrate to a potential mate what a strong. swift and clever bird he is. Good genes means offspring who are more likely to thrive as well. And all life has but one aim - to continue. It continues by adapting to its environment. The better suited a species is to its environment, the more likely it will continue. If it is not well suited, it either evolves new adaptations, moves to a new environment, or dies out.
We sometimes forget that we are animals, evolving along with the rest of the world. We are one of the most highly adaptable organisms on the planet. We change our environment to suit us. When we came out of the trees and went bipedal our feet might have thickened over the years to support us on hard ground. Instead we made shoes. The climate changed. It got colder. Instead of getting furrier, we made clothes and tamed fire. We adapt pretty quickly compared to other large organisms.
So as animals, we want to pass on DNA. It's our prime objective. Not every individual will do so, but we all act like we want to. We all want to be liked, admired and respected. We all want to look good to a potential mate, even if we're not thinking in terms of progeny. We accumulate things like a mockingbird acquires songs. We are all about display. We want status. Even the most humble among us values humility and does so because he thinks it will look good to a potential mate. There are obviously exceptions. Many priests and nuns take vows of poverty - what would they need a display of worldly goods for if they weren't looking for a mate?
Wealthy people (who were not born that way) usually value wealth and all its trappings. (I've always loved that phrase - "the trappings of wealth"). They often work hard to gain the status that they have because they think they will be of more value as a potential mate. So to ask them to give up the things they value is asking them to go against their Evolutionary instincts. The "have-nots" want more things in order to be better potential mates. Communism says we should all have the same things - all be of equal value. This is not how Evolution has made us. The Thompson's gazelle with the bad leg is going to be lion meat. That's how things are with animals.
We humans take care of our old, and infirm, and mentally unstable. That goes against the way most animals behave. But then most things humans do are against how most animals behave. But most animals are blissfully ignorant. They don't have the fears and worries and emotional baggage that we carry around with us. They are usually in a zen-like trance of eating, sleeping, and having sex. Sounds pretty good to me. Maybe we're not the smartest animal after all.
So communism is a wonderful ideal. But it'll never work. We have many kinds of greed - not all about material possessions. We are greedy for attributes that will make us better fathers and mothers, or at least make us look like the kind of people who would be good fathers and mothers. You may not have children. You may not ever want children, or be too old to have children. But we are wired to have children, so we act like we want that.
Cheers to those who overcome their greed in any measure! It can be done. We can share what we have with those in need. Even if it's a small donation to a food bank or a Goodwill store or any charity. Even if you share with your neighbor - we are all in need.
So, no, I am not, nor have I ever been a member of the Communist Party. But I definitely am a communist.
In the end are you alluding to any distinction other than the aspect of violent versus peaceful means to reach a desirable result?