We don't know why or where or how life on Earth began. We sort of understand the ingredients but no one can say why the first molecule replicated itself or how amino acids used protein to build cell walls or why cells grew so big that nutrients couldn't reach the nucleus and they divided into smaller cells which did likewise.
But somehow, the storm of life began and since the beginning, it has had one goal: to keep passing on DNA. It has found various ways of doing this, but life wants to continue, and growth and change help ensure that it will.
The body is like a huge corporation and, indeed, the word comes from "corpus" which means body. The corporation comprises billions of workers, all of whom have specialized skills. Some work in accounts receivable, some in advertising, some in sales, some in research and development, and they all answer to a board of directors which makes decisions which will hopefully lead to growth. No corporation wants to be stagnant or, worse yet, take losses. It wants to grow so that all the workers benefit and the company can continue to make its product.
The body is made up of billions of cells, organized into organs, tissue and bones - the departments of the company. The board of directors is the brain and the CEO is, perhaps, God. It is the brain who gets most of the benefits of a healthy body. Cells can die and be replaced and the brain doesn't care as long as the departments are meeting their quota. The male body makes only one product. Sperm. Sperm is the whole reason that the male animal exists. It is why every cell grows and divides, because every cell contains DNA which is the magic formula for Coca-Cola or Colonel Sander's 11 secret herbs and spices - the secret for successful perpetuation of the company.
You may think you are here for some nobler purpose, that your company makes music or art, that your company cures diseases or teaches children. You may think that your success lies in money, homes, cars, jewelry. But the real success of the male body lies in ejaculation. Every little process that occurs in the growing male body happens for one aim - to put sperm into an egg. Men are sperm factories. That is our sole reason for existence.
Perhaps if a male body grew up without ever having ejaculated (which will never happen) then the body would never die. But we'll never know. Once the body has ejaculated, it wants to keep on ejaculating because as far as the cells know, every ejaculation is a successful attempt at passing DNA.
When it has ejaculated enough, it starts thinking about retirement - the workers get lazy and careless because no one wants their product anymore. Workers die and are not replaced. Entire departments are closed down and soon, the corporation can't survive and goes belly up.
But its product is taken up by a young, upstart company with a brilliant future ahead of it. It, too, like its parent company, will be in the business of passing on DNA. If it is a male, it will be a sperm producing factory like its father. If it is a female, it will dedicate many of its workers to build a new factory in about nine months and then have a grand opening.
So where does this leave us childless people? We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. - Willy Wonka.
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